
Le Circuit de Mont Tremblant 2005


I am not a professional racer. 

These are generic Driver Education School lines around Mont Tremblant.

Someone placed the cones in the approximate vicinity of :

Turn in, Apex and Track out.

These lines worked for this car at slower speeds than most other traffic.

An off track excursion can result in injury, property damage or personal injury

escalating towards death.

These are pictures to show the track layout in October 2005. 

Changes may have occurred.

Early morning walk from the Start finish straight, from turn 1 through turn 5:

Dipping down into the apex of turn 1 against the pit out lane

Turn 1 is an off camber turn against the pit out lane merge onto the track.

Here is the track surface texture into turn 1.

Climbing the hill into turn 2.

Track surface perspective towards turn 2.

Above is the photo up the hill past the chicane towards the apex of turn 2.

Here I'm halfway up the hill look past the apex of turn 2.

Here is the track surface from the tires' perspective

1/2 way up the hill towards turn 2 apex.

Here is the crest of the turn 2 hill.

A few more feet / meters down the back of turn 2.

A few more feet / meters down the transition to turn 2 track out.

A few more feet / meters down the transition to turn 2 track out.

A few more feet / meters down transitioning towards turn 3.

Here I stepped of the track surface to show the concrete apron surface...

Just about on the turn 2 track out and turn in for turn 3

The tire tracks show the general drift from the apex of turn 3 into the turn in for turn 4.

This photo above is essentially the end of the braking box before turning in for 4.

These tire imprints into the surface are approximate turn in visual points.

Here a track worker snakes through turn 4 and through turn 5.

This is the perspective of aligning the track out of turn 4 into the turn in for turn 5.

Above I'm in the middle of the track for centering the picture frame only.

Here is a better alignment of where you want to be to complete a type three turn.

(one that exits onto a straightaway)  Proper set up is CRUCIAL!

Why?  Because the track out for turn 5 is a technical challenge

Looking back on turn 4 into turn 5.

Here's the left or inside edge of turn 5's track out point.

Its EASY to see most overcorrect / oversteer their exit out of turn 5.

More photos next year!

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