Lime Rock Park:
New England Quattro Club Track Events / Driving Schools
June, 2004 Lime Rock Park Advanced Drivers Education
"I'm just borrowing it"
King of the: "in focus" picture
Here we slide in the side entrance into the infield.
Usually, I blur out the license plate, but he sold this car! LOL
Participants in line for the event
Chris opts for the "full vehicle search".
Two hours later...............
The wonder twins activate their "powers"
Chris shows how he gets over speed bumps in mall parking lots.
Who else keeps two of those in their car?
Steve's hiding something under the hood of the grocery getter.
Team: "Low Budget" adds a rental car to its ranks on day 2.
Here the NEQ instructors teach first class track familiarization
and some advanced vehicle dynamics to students in the classroom.
Above is the drivers meeting after lunch
This Year was HOT HOT HOT. 90 degrees the first day
Large turn out for the annual sold out NEQ event
The track surface was near 150F on the first day.
Which beat up some tires and participants
Participant staying hydrated and checking the tire failure.